Along with 113,208 other Michigan Residents, and countless other people across the country. For the $5 in easy pick lottery tickets I bought for Friday nights $275 million drawing, I got the "Mega Ball" on one ticket, which means I won $2. (so really I only lost $3, however, I prefer to be positive and think in winnings.) But as I liked to write every Saturday morning news show after a big lottery drawing, I have good news and bad. First the bad news, I didn't win the big jackpot, but the good news is no one else did either so I have another chance. (when I wrote news I used you, but this time I am talking about me... to think about it I should have written we, hmmmm..) This time the jackpot is up to 340 million smackers, why do I only play if it's over a hundred-million? I guess 12 million is not enough for what I need to do. They way I look at it really is the odds are so astronomical that I will probably(there is always a chance) not win and frankly I am not willing to lay down the dollar it costs for the measly 12 million dollar dreams. That doesn't really make sense, but it does. So now I am off to buy another ticket on for Tuesday's drawing, and from now until 11 pm Tuesday the fantasies begin. But don't worry no matter how much cash I have, I will continue to devote myself to the TiVo Changed My Life Blog. However if I do win, I will make sure to generously remember my friends that took the time to LEAVE COMMENTS.
Update: As I am sure you figured out I didn't win the Mega Millions, but I appreciate all of you who took the time to post, however the leave comments part was about those of you who leave comments all the time, not just when I mention the possibility of winning $340 million. But none the less, I think this was an all time high for comments... just keep them coming.
i am only securing my $1 million cut.
Did someone say money?
Will you use some of your soon-to-be new found riches to finance the retirements of your aging parents?
I'm also a two dollar winner. Fun! I gotta get to work early so I can get my "winning" ticket. BTW, of course, I would take care of you and Bruce (not particulary in that order but you would both be well taken care of...)
im leaving you a comment.but if you win that money make sure you get us macs
I am watching you.
Your secret reader
Ok, I bite, I am intrigued... by you "secret reader."
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