Happy Halloween. My costume was Princess of TEC. Mainly I just enjoy wearing a tiara.
This blog is about my life with my TiVo, granted sometimes it gets a little off topic. Especially when all my favorite shows are in re-runs, please however don't be mistaken, this is not a blog about the technology of TiVo, this a blog about enjoying my TiVo.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, I was mad woman, figuratively, not literally. I managed to rake all the leaves in the yard, clean out the gutters, put away the furniture from the screened in porch and still managed to bake three apple pies. There must have been some serious caffeine in my coffee. By the time 8:30 pm rolled around, I was literally crawling to bed.
Saturday, October 28, 2006

What I should be doing today is raking leaves. It seems like every chance I have to rake them it is raining. So today, as I feel that precious fall weather slipping away, I look outside to a sea of leaves, hoping that we will get another nice day. We actually were waiting first for more to fall off the trees, and then when they started falling we waited so more because our neighbors church youth group is doing a fundraiser and they wanted to rake them. However, I feel that I may have waited too long. Because of the rain, once it's nice, Bruce and I will be raking them all.

So instead of raking leaves, I am doing another fall tradition, especially here at the Holladay household: baking Apple Pies. Bruce bought me this fantastic new contraption the apple peeler slicer. I makes peeling so much easier. However I must admit, it is so easy, I feel that I am cheating, but I don't feel that bad to stop using it. Look at the madness. I was able to peel these 11 apples in no time at all. If only they made a machine like this for folding clothes and putting them away.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
This month we read the "Invisible Monster" by Chuck Palahniuk, who also wrote "Fight Club." It's a book that is hard to explain. There are so many strange things that happen, but unlike another book we read, there was a nice big (however strange it was) bow at the end of the book to tie it all together. How did we pick this book, well Megan one of my students, who is an avid reader, suggested I read it and I introduced it to book club. Everyone was shocked it was a student suggestion.
Book club was great! I had fun hanging out with the ladies. The book was a little hard to discuss, so our chatter was all over the place. We had a lot of fun, well at least I did, so as leader/dictator of the club that is all that is important. Right? We had fondue at the Melting Pot. I love fondue. Well ok, I love Cheese and Chocolate fondue and of course wine. We also had the best waiter. His name was Bailey, if you go to the melting pot in Troy, ask for him. He loves his TiVo too and watches many of our favoirte shows. Funny enough, by the end of the night I think we all kind of wanted him to be the first man to join our book club. He even had his picture taken with us. Yeah, he's the guy holding up the book.
Ok Wednesday, was also ANTM night. Which of course I watched on TiVo tonight... and they kicked off Brooke, the sweet high school senior from Texas. I was so sad for her, it was the night of her high school graduation which she missed for this competition and they booted her off the show. I was like come on Tyra, couldn't you have a little compassion, I am sure she knew. The producers had to tell them.
Also I am watching Laguna Beach tonight, if you haven't tuned in. Tune in! I love this season. There is so much drama. I know what you are thinking, that I am too old for this. Well I am not. I like Tessa and Rocky, they are my favorites. This week Tessa's crappy boyfriend was so mean to her. I think they are on the outs, probably by the end of the show. What a loser! (My perdiction was right, what a jerk.) And Rocky's ex-boyfriend is a total sleeze. He breaks up with her last week at the bonfire and then at that same bonfire he is asking for numbers from other girls. Of course there is "queens of mean" Kyndra and Camie. Oh they are evil. It's a teenage train wreck that you can't help but watch.
Bruce LOVES Prairie Home Companion hosted by Garrison Keillor on NPR. I love NPR especially This American Life with Ira Glass. I can appreciate Prairie Home Companion, but I wouldn't describe my appreciation as LOVE by any means of the definition. So on Tuesday night, Bruce and I went to the Whiting in Flint to listen to Garrison Keillor speak. He told stories from Lake Woebegone, which is actually my favorite part of his show. Yes if you listen, I like those stories, but can't handle Guy Nior, Private Eye.
OK I digress, Bruce and I went. We had bought our tickets however they were giving them to Michigan Radio Donors during the fund drive. However, we didn't opt to for that. But when we were walking in we spotted Larry from Michigan Radio. We stopped by to talk. He said that someone who was supposed to meet Garrison backstage was unable to make it. Then he asked us if we wanted to go back stage. It pays to volunteer. So above here is the pict

The best part was at the end of the show. The entire crowd stood up and sang the National Anthem acappella. It was so cool. It was a special moment. I am also including a picture of "The Whiting." Which I overheard has some of the best acoustics in the midwest... those are some accolades.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Hanging out With the Kids
So my sister and her family made a pit stop in Manchester on their way to the East coast for a wedding. I drove out to Manchester on a Wednesday night because honestly I can't get enough of my niece Sophie and my nephew Max. They are frankly hilarious.
Sophie just went to the dentist. I asked her how the dentist went. She says to me with a smile, "I bite him." It's appalling and hilarious at all the same time. She has perfect comedic timing!
And Max, he's a little wild man. Check out the video where he gives grandma a lot of love. (Yes TiVo changed my life has hit a new high, we now have our first video. Thank You: You Tube. Ahhhhh, I love technology.) It's worth sticking it out to the end. The laughter you hear in the background is of course, Krista, Josh, my dad and I.

We spent the night running wild around the house, reading books, pretending to be a horse (ok that was just me,) hanging out in Nina's dog cage (yes it was unlocked and at their own free will,) chasing Nina (my dad's puppy) around the house and mostly laughing. They have so much incredible energy. They exhaust me, while at the same time, I can't help but look forward to the next time I see them. I love them so much.
So my sister and her family made a pit stop in Manchester on their way to the East coast for a wedding. I drove out to Manchester on a Wednesday night because honestly I can't get enough of my niece Sophie and my nephew Max. They are frankly hilarious.

And Max, he's a little wild man. Check out the video where he gives grandma a lot of love. (Yes TiVo changed my life has hit a new high, we now have our first video. Thank You: You Tube. Ahhhhh, I love technology.) It's worth sticking it out to the end. The laughter you hear in the background is of course, Krista, Josh, my dad and I.

We spent the night running wild around the house, reading books, pretending to be a horse (ok that was just me,) hanging out in Nina's dog cage (yes it was unlocked and at their own free will,) chasing Nina (my dad's puppy) around the house and mostly laughing. They have so much incredible energy. They exhaust me, while at the same time, I can't help but look forward to the next time I see them. I love them so much.
Am I Done with Desperate Housewives?
Ok, Eddie Brit is on my nerves. She has hi-jacked Mike. He awoke from his coma and she was there plotting against Susan. I can't stand it. Why can't Mike and Susan be a happy couple?
Then there is Gabby and Carlos. I am actually rooting for Carlos. Gabby is putting him through the ringer.
Lynette and Tom have this annoying woman in her there life, the mother of Tom's daughter. And now she is meddling in their marriage more and more. I am getting so irritated with this show on the whole. It's getting very very evil and underhanded.
I just watched the previews for next week. Oh my word, I hate Eddie Brit even more. And Mike looks like he might make a mistake that will kill Lynette. And wow it looks like Carlos makes headway in his fight with Gabby.
Ok, Eddie Brit is on my nerves. She has hi-jacked Mike. He awoke from his coma and she was there plotting against Susan. I can't stand it. Why can't Mike and Susan be a happy couple?
Then there is Gabby and Carlos. I am actually rooting for Carlos. Gabby is putting him through the ringer.
Lynette and Tom have this annoying woman in her there life, the mother of Tom's daughter. And now she is meddling in their marriage more and more. I am getting so irritated with this show on the whole. It's getting very very evil and underhanded.
I just watched the previews for next week. Oh my word, I hate Eddie Brit even more. And Mike looks like he might make a mistake that will kill Lynette. And wow it looks like Carlos makes headway in his fight with Gabby.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Michelle, one of the twins, come out to the group that she thinks she maybe bisexual. I think that if I ever want to make a huge revelation about my sexuality I would choose to do it on ANTM.
This is the episode with the appearance of everyone's favorite "Over-the-Top" first Supermodel. She was interviewed by each of the models. They all sucked... even Melrose who won wasn't that great. However she did step it up with her prize, which was a guest correspondent for E!.
Then Tyra came out to have one on one time with each of the remaining contestants. Of course the other twin Amanda finally cried over her sister's decision to come out to the entire house. AJ told Tyra that she feels alone and that she can't stand Melrose. Tyra of course brings it out in Melrose that her confidence that she shows the other contestants is truly hiding her insecurities.
Is it me or does Mr. Jay wear makeup?

The photoshoot was celebrity couples. Each of them were going to be made into both part of a celebrity couple, yes including the male counterpart. Who I am not a fan of Eugenia, Anchal sucked at being Stedman, but didn't do that bad at Oprah. Caridee was Brangelina. AJ was a premadona. Brooke was the dynamic duo of Brittany and Kevin, with a snake. Jaeda looked most like her man: yes she was a very convincing Bobby Brown. Michelle was of course Ellen and Portia DeRossi, yes the lesbian couple. Too completely predictable. Amanda was Ashton and Demi. Melrose was Melania Trump & The Donald. I am actually excited to see how their pictures turn out.
At judging Jaeda, Anchal and AJ sucked. However Jaeda's shot wasn't that bad. The best was when Tyra did her K-Fed impression. The other great line, was when Twiggy asked is JZ was a singer. My pick for being out this week AJ. I think it will be her and Jaeda in the bottom two, but hey Anchal has a chance to be there too. In the end, the panel who got rid of AJ and I can't help but agree with their decision.
This is the episode with the appearance of everyone's favorite "Over-the-Top" first Supermodel. She was interviewed by each of the models. They all sucked... even Melrose who won wasn't that great. However she did step it up with her prize, which was a guest correspondent for E!.
Then Tyra came out to have one on one time with each of the remaining contestants. Of course the other twin Amanda finally cried over her sister's decision to come out to the entire house. AJ told Tyra that she feels alone and that she can't stand Melrose. Tyra of course brings it out in Melrose that her confidence that she shows the other contestants is truly hiding her insecurities.
Is it me or does Mr. Jay wear makeup?

The photoshoot was celebrity couples. Each of them were going to be made into both part of a celebrity couple, yes including the male counterpart. Who I am not a fan of Eugenia, Anchal sucked at being Stedman, but didn't do that bad at Oprah. Caridee was Brangelina. AJ was a premadona. Brooke was the dynamic duo of Brittany and Kevin, with a snake. Jaeda looked most like her man: yes she was a very convincing Bobby Brown. Michelle was of course Ellen and Portia DeRossi, yes the lesbian couple. Too completely predictable. Amanda was Ashton and Demi. Melrose was Melania Trump & The Donald. I am actually excited to see how their pictures turn out.
At judging Jaeda, Anchal and AJ sucked. However Jaeda's shot wasn't that bad. The best was when Tyra did her K-Fed impression. The other great line, was when Twiggy asked is JZ was a singer. My pick for being out this week AJ. I think it will be her and Jaeda in the bottom two, but hey Anchal has a chance to be there too. In the end, the panel who got rid of AJ and I can't help but agree with their decision.
PR Winner
Wow, this was a crazy finale, not because of drama, but because I liked so many of their collections when they walked down the runway. However, I didn't love Michael's line even though I wanted him to win.
I didn't watch the finale until today because I was hanging out with my family in Manchester. I did however know the winner before watching (that's not a slam Helen, I know it wasn't on purpose.) I almost appreciated knowing because it was kind of what I had figured.
However, when Jeffrey's collection walked down the runway, I must admit I really liked it. I felt like it was all part of a collection. However, I did love Uli's collection. I liked Laura's but I didn't love it.
Now I am off to the gym, but don't worry I will write more later. Also you don't have to be a member of blogger to post on my blog anymore. I know that was a big complaint of many of my friends and family. So now post comments galore, however, I do have the ultimate power of delete. So don't you dare bad mouth TiVo.
Wow, this was a crazy finale, not because of drama, but because I liked so many of their collections when they walked down the runway. However, I didn't love Michael's line even though I wanted him to win.
I didn't watch the finale until today because I was hanging out with my family in Manchester. I did however know the winner before watching (that's not a slam Helen, I know it wasn't on purpose.) I almost appreciated knowing because it was kind of what I had figured.
However, when Jeffrey's collection walked down the runway, I must admit I really liked it. I felt like it was all part of a collection. However, I did love Uli's collection. I liked Laura's but I didn't love it.
Now I am off to the gym, but don't worry I will write more later. Also you don't have to be a member of blogger to post on my blog anymore. I know that was a big complaint of many of my friends and family. So now post comments galore, however, I do have the ultimate power of delete. So don't you dare bad mouth TiVo.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Project Runway Scandal
Did Jeffrey sew his own stuff? It's the scandal and I guess we will find out the rest of the story next week during the finale. This week we Tim Gunn visited the four designers at their homes in Atlanta, Miami, L.A. and New York. I enjoyed seeing Laura in the roll as ultra-sophisticated mom to five boys. We also get to meet her husband, I can't help but wondering what does she/her husband do to live in a spacious apartment in Manhattan.
Michael got braces. Tim wasn't gushing over his designs, but there wasn't tons of new news. Just a pleasant visit. We did however learn that our German Sunshine Uli is from East Germany. She moved out of the country after the wall came down and is living the "American Dream" in a totally awesome apartment in Miami.
Then Tim heads to L.A. to see good ole Jeffrey. He still seems to get under my skin, mainly I think it was the crazy blue shoes he was wearing. His wife/girlfriend, whatever she is, looks just like him. Lots of tattoos its great. I am wondering when they plan on getting Harrison Detroit his own very tattoo. Do they have fisher price tattoos?
Anyway they all get to New York and all the designers are busy getting ready for the Fashion Week, all the designers that is except Jeffrey. Apparently he finished everything in LA. Laura smells a rat, she says everything is too well done for Jeffrey. She talks it over with Michael and Uli as they are working and Jeffrey is probably taking a nap. So Laura tells Tim and now their is an investigation into whether Jeffrey is a cheat. We will have to find out next week! Will they all show at Bryant Park, who will win. Right now I am sort of rooting for Laura's clothes and of course Michael. I won't be unhappy if Uli wins. So with that being said it will probably Jeffrey.
Stay Tuned.
As for us it's a busy weekend, Bruce and I are going on a triple date tomorrow night with Marina, Ryan, Katie and Katie's husband. On Sunday, we are going to answer phones at Michigan Radio for Pledge Week! Michigan Radio is one of my favorite past times especially on weekends listening This American Life is a favorite past time. So get on the phone and give a pledge if you are lucky I will take your money for a good cause! Also I hope my Pledge/Blog friend Anna will be there. We met last pledge drive and I think my eager friendship has somewhat freaked her out and intrigued her of course, all at the same time. That's me the freaking intriguing blogger pledge friend.
Did Jeffrey sew his own stuff? It's the scandal and I guess we will find out the rest of the story next week during the finale. This week we Tim Gunn visited the four designers at their homes in Atlanta, Miami, L.A. and New York. I enjoyed seeing Laura in the roll as ultra-sophisticated mom to five boys. We also get to meet her husband, I can't help but wondering what does she/her husband do to live in a spacious apartment in Manhattan.
Michael got braces. Tim wasn't gushing over his designs, but there wasn't tons of new news. Just a pleasant visit. We did however learn that our German Sunshine Uli is from East Germany. She moved out of the country after the wall came down and is living the "American Dream" in a totally awesome apartment in Miami.
Then Tim heads to L.A. to see good ole Jeffrey. He still seems to get under my skin, mainly I think it was the crazy blue shoes he was wearing. His wife/girlfriend, whatever she is, looks just like him. Lots of tattoos its great. I am wondering when they plan on getting Harrison Detroit his own very tattoo. Do they have fisher price tattoos?
Anyway they all get to New York and all the designers are busy getting ready for the Fashion Week, all the designers that is except Jeffrey. Apparently he finished everything in LA. Laura smells a rat, she says everything is too well done for Jeffrey. She talks it over with Michael and Uli as they are working and Jeffrey is probably taking a nap. So Laura tells Tim and now their is an investigation into whether Jeffrey is a cheat. We will have to find out next week! Will they all show at Bryant Park, who will win. Right now I am sort of rooting for Laura's clothes and of course Michael. I won't be unhappy if Uli wins. So with that being said it will probably Jeffrey.
Stay Tuned.
As for us it's a busy weekend, Bruce and I are going on a triple date tomorrow night with Marina, Ryan, Katie and Katie's husband. On Sunday, we are going to answer phones at Michigan Radio for Pledge Week! Michigan Radio is one of my favorite past times especially on weekends listening This American Life is a favorite past time. So get on the phone and give a pledge if you are lucky I will take your money for a good cause! Also I hope my Pledge/Blog friend Anna will be there. We met last pledge drive and I think my eager friendship has somewhat freaked her out and intrigued her of course, all at the same time. That's me the freaking intriguing blogger pledge friend.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I can feel it. There is a chill in the air here in Michigan. Tonight, it's cold and raining and it's getting worse. The forecast is not good, yes they are forecasting flurries, with a high in the mid-40's. I wish I could pay for more happy sunny fall like weather in the upper 60's. However, I don't think Mother Nature works on commission, but on the off chance she does, I am taking up a kitty, anyone in. It's only a matter of time until we see a picture like that out our windows.
The Tigers are going strong and I am catching the fever, oh yeah. The Tigers beat Oakland in the opener of their series last night. Tonight they are hitting the field again. It's a great time for Detroit baseball again. However it is a cold time for baseball.
As for TiVo: this season is giving me so many great things to watch it's hard to keep up. As for the new shows: The Class, it's a new bad comedy on CBS but I am addicted, Studio 60 on NBC, which I love. Also heroes it's a crazy almost Alias twists. I am really enjoying, however, it's going to be one of those shows that I can't miss an episode. Thank God for TiVo. Of course we have ANTM and tonight the season finale of Project Runway that I will watch tomorrow, because it's on too late. I am an old woman, who needs her rest.
Sunday, October 08, 2006

UM v MSU Football that Divides Families
& the Tigers Beat the Yankees
It was a crazy sports weekend for Michigan. Even those of us who aren't sports fanatics get caught up in the frenzy. I sported my green and white for the Michigan State Spartans. (I am pictured above with my super tall cousin Vincent, who was sporting his Maize and Blue.) Why Michigan State from the girl who went to the University of Missouri? Well it was part of my marital vows, I am forever a Michigan State fan. I even know the entire fight song. I do not know the Missouri fight song. I am not the best fan, oh well. I am better at other things.& the Tigers Beat the Yankees

My First High School Football Game
in 10 years
in 10 years
There is a reason why, I don't go to high school football games, well it's cold. And I really don't have an alliance to any high school except Manchester High School. But I am not that die hard of a fan. However, I have just checked and Manchester is 8-0 this season.
On Friday night, I went to the Marine City v. Marysville football game, in Marysville on Friday. One of my students was playing for Marine City, I have a rule, I will go see my students in one of their games/meets etc. if they ask. So I picked Marine City v. Marysville, because that is closest to my house, which means it's not close at all.
I was lucky enough to have two of my students who kept me company. First Bruce and I took them out to eat at Big Boy. The whole time I kept asking myself, why are these teenagers here hanging out with us. They are aware that I am not cool, maybe they are part of secret coolness recovery program, however I think they are unaware that I was never cool. Oh well, I appreciate it. They are great kids, I am lucky to have a class full of awesome seniors.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Studio 60 Hits the Mark
Its show number three and I am hooked. Matthew Perry is more than just Friends! I can't wait until next week.
I caught up on my Desperate Housewives too. Bree married the creepy Orson guy. Gabby's baby was born, well at least her surrogate mother gave birth, to an African American baby. Susan's boyfriend Mike is still in a coma, she's meet another British man at the hospital, who's wife is also in a coma, and now there is a lame love story there. Lynette's husband's lover from 12 years ago whom he fathered a child with is now driving Lynette and her entire family crazy. It's ok so far this season. Eddy Brit's nephew has come to town, but I think there is something brewing with him and Susan's daughter. Speaking of kids, where in the world are Bree's. We get a sneak peek to see that her son is coming back next week, but there is no daughter to be found any where.
As for this blog, good news: we are international. This past week, there have been visitors from across the country both east and west coasts, but mostly from the Midwest. Also, there have been visitors from South America, Europe and Australia. I am not sure how they are ending up here, but I encourage all visitors to leave a message. I am sure that my messages about TiVo are probably not a huge part of their lives, I bet they are coming for my thoughtful insight on America's Next Top Model.
Its show number three and I am hooked. Matthew Perry is more than just Friends! I can't wait until next week.
I caught up on my Desperate Housewives too. Bree married the creepy Orson guy. Gabby's baby was born, well at least her surrogate mother gave birth, to an African American baby. Susan's boyfriend Mike is still in a coma, she's meet another British man at the hospital, who's wife is also in a coma, and now there is a lame love story there. Lynette's husband's lover from 12 years ago whom he fathered a child with is now driving Lynette and her entire family crazy. It's ok so far this season. Eddy Brit's nephew has come to town, but I think there is something brewing with him and Susan's daughter. Speaking of kids, where in the world are Bree's. We get a sneak peek to see that her son is coming back next week, but there is no daughter to be found any where.
As for this blog, good news: we are international. This past week, there have been visitors from across the country both east and west coasts, but mostly from the Midwest. Also, there have been visitors from South America, Europe and Australia. I am not sure how they are ending up here, but I encourage all visitors to leave a message. I am sure that my messages about TiVo are probably not a huge part of their lives, I bet they are coming for my thoughtful insight on America's Next Top Model.
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