Friday, February 16, 2007

Wait A Minute... Grey's Anatomy

Ok, the name of the show is Grey's Anatomy. The lead character is Meredith Grey, so I keep telling myself that there is no possible way she is dead. However, it seemed like that is what happened at the end of last night's show.

I know there are TV miracles, but I fear that suddenly Grey's Anatomy is going to become like Desperate Housewives and we will only hear Meredith's voice as the narrator. That is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Ok now that I have made myself clear to Ms. Shonda Rhimes, becuase she sounds really nice and friendly when I listen to her on the podcasts, so clearly my TiVoing opinon matters to her, clearly. Now I must admit that these past two shows have been excellent, despite the fact that someone kicked Meredith into the drink only to have McDreamy dive into find her and pull her out to save her. The key word here is SAVE. So if Meredith is trully dead will they have to change the name of the show to Anatomy? Come on people, it's Grey's Anatomy.

In other TiVoing news: Beauty and the Geek had it's season finale this Wednesday night. It ended with the rest of the cast voting between Nate & CeCe and Scooter & Megan to see who had really changed. Well Nate actually campaigned for Scooter & Megan, after CeCe went on a rant to him about how she didn't change and no one could blah blah blah. But I definately think that both Scooter and Megan changed. Scooter stopped wearing clothes that could have been consider Boy Scout uniforms from the early 1950's and Megan who seemed repulsed by Scooter when she first met him seemed to genuinely enjoy his company by the end. Now the big question for the reunion show is "did Nate and JennyLee get married or are they getting married?" At least that is what people are asking google to end up at this blog. I can't really see that as being true, but hey this is the girl that thinks they won't kill Meredth Grey of Grey's Anatomy. So anything could happen tune in... Then don't forget too that next week another round of American's Next Top Model begins on the same great station.... The New CW - that's quality TV.

Also this week, I am golden, because tomorrow, I will be at the G. Love concert. YEAH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking the same thing about Grey's Anatomy. I have the feeling that she will be having a conversation with the dead guys for about half of the next show and then get yanked back to reality/life by one of her fellow interns. I really don't want to have her just be a voice over.
On a different story I really hope Izzy doesn't fall for McSteamy.