Monday, December 10, 2007

The Hills Finale

OK, if you haven't figured it out, I have been so busy that I have relied on TiVo to hold my great shows in it's memory until I can have time to enjoy them. However, I have been able to keep up with the Hills and ANTM (despite not having time to write about them.) Maybe because The Hills is just a half hour -- so with TiVo it's 24 minutes max.

This season has been a good one. Lots of drama with Heidi and Spencer - it ends with them looking like they are in shaky ground. And as we all know we all love to hate Spencer. We get to know Audrina... This season she was dating the scummy Justin Bobby - thanks God he's over. Lauren and Brody got pretty hot and heavy this season. What's not to like about Brody? Those puppy dog eyes.The season ends with Lauren headed to France with TeenVogue.

So I am watching this aftershow and Lauren makes a big announcement - the announcement is that there is more. YEAH! Will Lauren end up with Broday? How did the France trip go?

Ok and since we are talking about TiVo and ANTM -- I know I have been out of touch but the big news this week is the sassy girl from Brooklyn - Bianca was ousted. So now we have Chantel, Saliesha, and Jenah - so far my fav has to be Jenah - I am not super excited about her, but she's the best. However, I am not sure that the judges like her as much as I do. We will see how it ends.

1 comment:

~Lori said...

I'm so excited there's going to be more Hills...especially since I heard rumors that Lauren said this would be her last season...ever. Lets hope not! I'm pretty attached to my California friends.