TiVo Changed My Life blog hits another milestone: 300 posts. I want to first thank my loyal readers. I know most of you are related to me and therefore forced to read or you are my friend and read out of pity, but thank you anyway.

Since I have been back I have been cleaning a lot trying to get things back in order before I get back to work. I am also getting ready for the 8K run at the Crim on August 25th. The running club with the exception of our Florida & New York delegates will be running. The New York delegate doesn't participate in many of our extra-curricular activities, but he is also probably the fastest runner among us. Hmmmm is there a connection here? Bruce got our shirt design to the printers today, so we will have our t-shirts in time for the Crim.
Today, I went to see the Bourne Identity with Megan, who's leaving for Chicago next week. We both are big Matt Damon fans, so it was a mutual appreciation for him, I mean his work. The movie gets two thumbs up! If you are a fan of the Bourne films, this is a definite must see. It was fun to watch after just being in Paris, because part of it was filmed there, just like the Bourne Supremacy was filmed in Berlin. But after the Bourne Ultimatum what comes next? Whatever the title, I am ready.
This weekend we are heading to Marine City for the annual Salisbury family reunion, then on Sunday we are heading to Ann Arbor to hit the Mac Store with my mom, who is about to cross-over from the darkside (PC's) into the happy land of Macs. And we welcome her with open arms.
Congrats, although I have only read about 5, I look forward to being a regular reader.
Congratulations!! I'm at 231 on my blog so I'm catching up to you. Good update and I hate that jetlag stuff. It's annoying. Welcome home tho!
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