Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Studio 60 - Watch It!

Bruce and I just watched the premiere of Studio 60. It was pretty good. So of course I quickly added it to the season pass manager on TiVo. Premiere week is so much easier with TiVo in your corner. You don't have to stay up to watch any of the new shows just to be disappointed, instead we watch it on our time! Yes, it's another reason, I love love love my TiVo.

Tonight Bruce and I meet our new FABULOUS friends Marina & Ryan at the gym. Marina is my new best Lapeer friend. She just started working with Bruce and he set us up! I have found whenever I move, it's hard to make friends as an adult. It was so much easier in college. You are friends with the people you work with, but since I don't live where I work, it makes hanging out an issue. So I am so happy that my husband was thinking off me and making new friends! It turns out Marina I have a lot in common, mainly we are both Virgos (in fact our birthday is just days apart,) she likes to run too and much much more. We even had a couple date on Friday night, which we rarely do. Our next date is Thursday at the gym.

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